Sliding into December and chasing winter solstice, the feeling of darkness starts to engulf our environments.
Each year around this time, the Earth experiences death and destruction. Plants die, the soil hardens and the world becomes quieter within nature of the Northern Hemisphere.
For me to add an element of lightness, I burn candles at home and decorate to celebrate with vibrate colours of the changing season. Adding hearty soups and heavier root vegetables to my diet helps keep feelings of connecting to the warm inviting environment of feeling at home.
What about you?
Anything routine you have in place that keeps you grounded in seasonal traditions?
Why not join me for next week’s ONLINE Mooncircle yoga class?
Mooncircle yoga is created to restore and relax while bathing in the celebrations of our monthly moon patterns.
And for December, this is happening via Zoom next Wednesday 7 December 21:00-22:00 CET.
Within this lesson, we will cover basic postures and stretches to diffuse any challenging Gemini overthinking energy. Much time with our feet or pelvis elevated, as to help release a busy mind.
There will be a guided visual meditation with an offering of gratitude and intentional breath work exercises. All to promote a healthy night’s rest ahead.
Join me for this online 60-minute celebration under the full moon’s rays.
Act fast!
Participation is limited to 12 and its donation based.
Link found here for registry.
Can’t make it to this one? That’s okay as I hear there’s another full moon coming soon 🌝
SELF NOTE: Well done Self! You managed to hit all your milestones this year!