Cosmic Report: Full July Moon in Capricorn
If there is one thing that the moon in her detriment is guaranteed to do, it’s to remind us that our feelings are indeed NOT facts.
Happy Full Moon in Capricorn!
Respect to the cold, hard productive Capricorn energy this moon has brought us as the moon in Capricorn is in her detriment. Meaning, she’s not too comfortable there.
Recent Mercury Cazimi in sensitive Cancer highlighted how powerful intuitive moments can fuel our emotions under the influence of thought. As cazimis bring us mostly innate good fortune, we’ve just had a moment on 30 June to clear our heads and align matters of the mind with messages from the heart, or perhaps with the gut.
This month’s full moon in Capricorn allows us to solidify our thinking processes into action. Capricorn energy supports us in being efficient, grounded in practice, routine, striving to achieve our goals, and not taking any shit along the way.
As a Cancer Sun often basking in the detriment of the archetype this sign yields my thinking, when I stagnant, I drag my depressed, cynical, pessimistic crabby self over to my Cappy friends to poke me back in working order. Usually their advice makes me cry, but their no-nonsense tough love approach consistently brings me success.
This Capricorn - Cancer axis reminds us to prioritise our needs for nurturing ourselves first highlighting areas where we can show more responsibility and maturity within our habits.
If you’re feeling trapped or stagnant lately, now is a moment to set clear goals getting you back on track.
Although it may sound like I’m giving the reader advice, really I’m giving myself a lecture in tough love as often I find myself resting too comfortably in a heavily armoured crab shell 🦀♋️ .
The combined energy behind the Cancer-Capricorn axis allows emotions to transmute into focused goals by:
💪🏽 Building confidence with repetition by showing up for yourself in daily habits
💪🏽 Cultivating self-trust with dedication to your routines and rituals
💪🏽 Strengthening your intuition with applied effort and proven results = MEDITATE! Or at least take moments to stare at a blank wall and reflect.
Seize the energy this full moon is giving you and start your month of successfully!
^^Note to self ….
Currently, I’m working on finalising the outline for my publishings on Substack.
Originally I used this space selfishly to work on my writing goals with a global virtual community. It was easier for me share my writing assignments with links that were readily accessible online to the reader.
I’m now publicly growing on Substack to a wider audience, while focused on goals to share more diverse topics and finding other writers in this space organising collectively that inspire. As I’m busy moving my brand off mainstream social media, I’m finding comfort in a space where more authenticity is served.
Though for this space, highlights remain on spiritual practices within a metaphysical realm that help to positively support mental health. And I do look forward to sharing stories on valuable learnings of surviving hyper-capitalism and the confines of the patriarch from an American perspective while living abroad.
Not all that I write is full of love & light and I’m happy to find other writers sharing thoughts on positively managing mental health. I believe by now, we should all be discussing such topics in our branding campaigns as at least it’s documented for the history books that we humbly tried to save our species.
July is my birthday month, with my annual solar return coming up this Saturday. I’ll be turning 46!
In the spirit of giving, I’m promoting my Substack for 50% off normal annual rates until the end of the month. Growing my readership while leveraging readers away from social media remains the goal.
Namaste xx