Cosmic Report: Salty Crabby Cancer Season
POV: The WHY behind Astrology / Myth Busting / Social media shout outs

Why Astrology?
My journey into my astrology studies began around Y2K having picked up some books in a bookstore. Later, finding more books in bookcases from spare bedrooms of friends.
At the time, there were no moments to study intensely as working prevailed in my young 20s. Social media wasn’t as interactive, nor were hand-held computers. The hobby and interest died when I shifted focus and left America to live in Europe in 2005.
Then in 2018, I found astro related content presented in meme support on Instagram. Having forgotten about the practice, I started following creators and taking side notes while not giving much more attention.

For a couple of years I remained happy as a follower only to observe content, while during the pandemic I took time to invest into courses and dissection. First starting with interpretations of my own chart, and in parallel finding an online community in support. Have learned a lot, hence why I’m passionate about sharing writings within this space. Do note, I’m am not an astrologer. It’s a resource I use in ongoing yoga teachings.
Astrology is full of merit with great minds of our past having promoted the “science” in our past. It was once as popular as studying mathematics, science and philosophy. Only as time passed, did we assign a metaphysical label deeming it as a pseudoscience.
Shaming for beliefs in astrology and topics covering metaphysical nature still continues today. There is simply no room in our already complicated world not to entertain this debate and, already we see worker bees busy infiltrating into mainstream platforms.
There are general warnings against using metaphysical resources in terms of having a deeper level of understanding of human behaviour. It’s laden in the knowledge that as a person learns more in self-discovery, they become more autonomous.
For mainstream or religious narratives, the answers are often displayed looking outside of ourselves for ultimate salvation and surrender, when in reality these rewards are best found on a journey to discover one’s Self.
I’d like my freedom served free please
Living in this modern world and absorbing the trends or patterns of a dying patriarchal order that is threatened by one’s autonomous ‘rebellious’ self, non-mainstream practices are often dismissed or disregarded. Within these complex times, we can appreciate liberated, innovative resources steered away the masses. We are allowed to be free with our bodies and minds, in case that wasn’t clear.
Astrology warrants respect as it is one of the oldest forms of human knowledge we have record for. How wonderful to consider a time when humans had nothing by time on their hands to study a sky that wasn’t polluted or fully wired.
Discovering the great unknown was most likely a daily ponder for our ancestors. My my, why have our creative efforts disappeared? ^coughs in hyper-capitalism, pops big pharma pill, doomscrolls^
It’s officially Cancer Season ♋️ A time to expand care and nurturing to ourselves and loved ones.
Having Sun and Mercury in the 12th house makes me deeply introverted, while holding my core values and beliefs incredibly private. I worked as a healer in all my roles throughout life and have an innate gift in working with children, animals, and disabled populations. But these talents I don’t necessarily want to share with the world as my 12th house placements work to keep these matters private. Though, my Leo Rising speaks otherwise in a more extroverted “It’s showtime capacity”.
A true ambivert defined in non-astro lingo.
I am not a typical Cancer as my chart is backed with a lot of fire. My personality can be summarised as a steamy mystical blend of dramatic emotions caught in moments of cosplay pending situations and characters. Such theatrics have resulted in past negative behaviours, though I’ve done my best to embrace self-awareness, humility and forgiveness.

Some myths behind zodiac signs…
“Cancers are masters at manipulation.”
“She’s such a classic two-sided Gemini.”
“His Capricorn Moon will not allow for emotional empathy.”
“All Virgos are neat freaks.”
No just stop …
Zodiac signs are archetypes. They are a channel to tune into for expressing the astrological influence behind each of our solar system’s planets.
Original teachings of Astrology track the position and placement of a planet and the human relationship to this, while modern astrology often places a strong emphasis on the actual zodiac sign itself. There is a need to discern between the two to hold the value of the interpretation.
In ancient times, humans had more time to study space and their relationship to it. Nowadays the internet affords everyone a chance to be an expert in space matters from their toilet.
“There is no sign that is more challenging, stubborn, gifted, nicer, etc” …pick your poison... but these are myths!!
Best to limit studies, streamlining a select few mentors and teachers if interest exists to further your own studies as to choose the appropriate personality behind a represented brand. I can be contacted for advice on the matter.
Myth Busting: “Cancers are masters at manipulation”
A spotlighted topics to cover for this Cancer Season, is the common Cancerian myth covering the topic of manipulation as I feel like this can be a ‘Mercurial’ debate. Often our minds play tricks on us, leaving Mercury to be the ultimate trickster. Let’s breakdown the astrological literal expression behind the planet Mercury.
This planet denotes to the way we think, communicate, interpret, perceive. Mercury is the power behind mind control with the benefits being reaped once understanding how to control our own monkey minds. Again, it’s OUR own minds we are responsible to control, not the minds of others.
A Cancer with a strong Mercury placement noted within their chart could be skilled at manipulating others, but often people with cardinal placements (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) get grouped into manipulator labels.
The cardinal modality in astro represents our natural born leader capabilities where bullies can either thrive or die basis their projected behaviour. Cancers are the cardinal modality of the water signs in astrology. These otherwise flexible water signs posses an innate emotional strength. Hence the hard exterior of the pliable crusty crab with a hardened exterior beaten by changing tides.
The high road of Cancer is expressed in empathy, intuition, and radical forgiveness. It is the mother of all signs in a nurturing capacity, though in its detriment, salty crabby crabs yield to deception, moodiness, cynicism, and yes… manipulation. We all have our breaking points.

Of course, it is wrong to assume and label the members of these populations with a looming pre-assigned title such as a manipulator, and as always no astro is complete without seeing the entire picture.
Instead, we keep an open mind and simply note these are traits can be expressed within the zodiac sign, while also in relationship to where the planet Mercury is placed in a person’s chart.
What are the main themes to grab from an astrological reading?
As an easy frame of reference, we can use the follow themes to guide by:
The Planets show WHAT
The Signs show HOW
The Houses show WHERE
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Namaste xx