Cosmic Report: Pluto In Capricorn
Understanding the astrological impact on current affairs and why that's important right now.
A retrospective look at the astrological transit of Pluto in CapricornÂ
What scientists tell you: Pluto is a distant dwarf planet in the Kuiper-Belt.Â
What an astrologist will tell you: Pluto is a powerful archetype in astrology that represents transformation, power, and destruction.Â
Why the latter is important: INCOMING ‘ASTRO NERD’ ALERT…
Let’s get into it!
When Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008, the world experienced a global economic recession. Groundwork was being laid for the then coming period, bringing significant changes and upheaval in various areas of established society.Â
Governments, institutions, business and finance sectors were all impacted. It also meant changes in the social status and roles of individuals. A private elite grew more powerful and rich during this time. Much of what we are living through now is the dysfunctional fall out of this groundwork laden in unsustainable capitalism.Â
Pluto in Capricorn signalled a time of reckoning for the global financial system, which in Sagittarius had been laid out in overinflated excess. Cash was made King and illegal practices were written into bi-laws, making corruption baseline practices that made the division of wealth so extreme.Â
The dawn of a new era
Fortunately the end of this period has brought awareness to the masses while many were re-evaluating their own relationship with money and material possessions in these last years. As, by now, we’ve all been offered some time during the pandemic to determine what is most important in life.Â
We experienced a significant astrological transit on Dec 21, 2020 (scrub to 5 mins in this clip) where we shifted from Capricorn to Aquarius energy with the Jupiter - Saturn conjunction. This brought a collective transformative movement bringing us further into the Age of Aquarius.
Pluto entering Aquarius is an important astro transit, catapulting us into creative, innovative ways that demand personal and collective transformation. It is indeed, one of the greatest Astrological events we will have in the next few years…
What can we look forward to?
The Aquarian mindset represents serving humanity and placing interests for communal efforts first. In a society driven with an overly energetic money-making tone in Capricorn (think Rich Uncle Pennybags from the Monopoly game), it was more about every person for her/him/they -self in order to protect private and personal gain. Equally both are important, but these last years, sh*t has gotten out of hand and the rich are getting richer.
What we are experiencing now, is defined by these current astro trends of duelling energies between money-hungry capitalist Capricorn and humbly-frugal socialist Aquarius.
Here is where we gather the learnings and adapt to the cosmic blueprint for succession planning in years to come. This is encouraging us to dismantle the proven unsustainable way of living and further upgrade to the next phase.
Indeed the dawn of a new era is here and we aim towards a global revolution, but one that is to support collective masses as this is essential to align with an Aquarian mindset.
Pluto is represented energetically as the planet of wealth, power, secrets, mystery, death, transformation, and illuminating shadow elements. This is why we see so many scandals surfacing now and can expect more to follow.
In Aquarius, the sign driven to support the needs of the collective, Pluto empowers to organise, mobilise, and disrupt the systems that have failed us. And well by this point in history, I say….BRING IT ON!
So what do we do now?!
By early 2024 and until 2044, experiencing life within this transit, we will have had front row seats to the most revolutionary show on Earth.
The last time Pluto was in the sign of Aquarius was in 1776-1798. Hello American and French Revolutions… have ya’ll seen what has happened recently in the streets of Paris? Pluto represents death and rebirth. This is the moment we rise from the ashes and build something new.
The most important action is to become self-aware of your contribution in society and what you’re doing to make this better. Not just for yourself, but for others.
Why is Pluto always acting a b*tch?!
I don’t make the rules, I just say what the Old Gods and New Gods tell me to say…
…Pluto in Aquarius will show this new era of shedding toxicity under themes of social justice, humanitarianism, politics, science, tech, & thankfully, social media. More ideals around personal authority, freedom and free speech will dominate. We will experience reformation surrounding our relationship to power and control.
These are the upsides, if we chose wisely and set proper intentions behind the WHY we WANT change.
It is clear that artificial intelligence and talks of aliens will become everyday topics. Truly starts to feel like living in a cross over between sci-fi and dystopian genres, yet this is our actual reality.
Pluto’s recent transit through Capricorn revealed this zodiac sign’s shadow elements, some mentioned above. Similarly, Pluto’s transit through Aquarius will illuminate the dark side of Aquarius. For example, problems surrounding emotional detachment, or in acts of rebellion, we can experience more intensely.
However, rest well in knowing the positive energy of Aquarius is representing the sign of humanitarianism, and good does prevail….right?!? Do your part!