Cosmic Report: Welcome Capricorn Season
When it's dark enough, you can see the stars - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Happy Winter Solstice
It’s always difficult for me during this time of year.
In Holland, the darkness often feels as heavy as it appears outside. The days are shorter, often feeling like a continuation of one long day on repeat until early March to get through a Dutch winter.
I would like to take a moment to ask if you’re checking on your friends and family members?
Even those that otherwise seem fine?
The holidays are not an easy period for many and support can always be offered in the form of a listening ear.
Are you listening enough?
In closing out 2022 and moving into executing goals for the new year, I am happy to have launched my small yoga biz, with a niche in astrology, which was the big deliverable for this year’s end.
More information can be found on this FREE NEWSLETTER for connecting resources and guidance for those interested.
Social Media: Love it or hate it?
Did you know that in 1776, Thomas Paine published ‘Common Sense’, a strong defense of American independence from England which helped lay guiding principles of the New World?
He traveled with the Continental Army where he actually wasn’t successful as a soldier, but his time spent led him to produce The American Crisis (1776-83), which helped inspire the Army.
I’m quite inspired by the work of Thomas Paine as his dedication to his own ideals led him to revolutionary work that we can now look back on, and be proud of. Even though this poor gent had a dismal turnout at his own funeral because of the public distaste of his writings by the time he died.
I feel this hard, after spending the last two years on social media progressively trying to promote more conscious efforts and social causes. Meanwhile facing rejection and defeat with each post.
But yet, I continue to persist.
I feel strongly now is the time a true democracy can rise against these terrible global events we are all enduring. The best place to unite a global crowd of resisters and supporters providing solutions is found now, in cyberspace.
Long gone are the days of traveling for months by sea, having to cross countries, braving the elements to make any ounce of social impact.
Now it’s click to post - “There my comment is provided, that’s better.”
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This blog will have a strong theme of every-day topics that all humans everywhere seem to have interest in.
With an aim to focus on our maintaining our own positive mental health and offer a few solutions along the way, the intention is to review headlining topics that can help influence the betterment of our personal development while on this human journey.
The target audience varies and seems my voice still has a way to vibrate to the masses. Am grateful for previous social media platforms in place where I spent my “free time” to maintain my own personal branding campaigns. But enough is enough. Now it feels like keeping up with social media is an never-ending addiction. And I have another full-time job to manage alongside my actual job(s).
However, my time spent on social media has come with many learnings and fresh insights. My digital space became a place shaping my relationships and networking potential. But, I was also still linked with people from my past that didn’t agree with topics and shares I posted.
In fact, social media for me became a battleground of settling relationships where endings have been made bittersweet. At least within the realms of the Metaverse. Because of who we present ourselves to be online, and how others perceive us to be, can be two very different realities.
I’d like to talk more about topics on social media within this blog and hoping there is interest here enough to allow people to help vet some duelling, yet healthy opinions.
I am inviting select people from my network to share their stories which all include experience, strength in hopes in defending a social democracy that humanity can thrive within.
At least in a Western world capacity while we focus on reforming capitalism with more conscious applications for sustainable measures to our future.
Within this network, we will offer solutions and share resources while building a global tribe. Perhaps you will find someone here that later adds value to your life. Perhaps that person lives across the world and is easily found via word of mouth of someone you already know? Let’s connect!
Also, I still feel very confident in using Susbtack for a means of reaching an audience that promotes independent journalism. In these times, this is vital we have an independent voice outside of a mainstream narrative.
Healthy debates are exactly what we are needing more of right now in what feels like a very dimmed, darkened world.
Perhaps within promoting an abundance of open communication where diverse opinions are offered across various cultures, we can find a midline to mutually find peace.
The Global State of Affairs
We live in a world governed by archaic paradigms and questionable systems of disseminating views and ideals. Here comes the real talk.
Understandably, we are allowed to rise angrily to assert ourselves against these systems if we feel we are not being heard.
Reform is happening, but too slowly in my opinion.
We must learn to test out and apply new techniques and innovations to defend true freedom of speech, discourse, and debate and fairly regulate its usage.
Our words can be powerful and must be held or expressed responsibly.
In the meantime, there will always be someone trying to strip down our ethics and values we define for ourselves. Especially when we continue to perceive life in black-and-white terms. It’s not this simple folks.
Under this New Moon in Capricorn for this month, we can set a collective intention for ourselves to put partisan thinking into constructive use.
The New Moon in Capricorn on December 23rd doubles down on the mountain goat’s willingness to build plans that are meant to be lasting. This lunation has staying power. What you begin now has the potential to endure for months to come — so invest your time and energy wisely.
It’s time to commit for the long haul and treat dedication as a lived, daily practice. Peace, love, and universal understanding will always prevail if we maintain a balanced perspective on our beliefs and attitudes, celebrate a diversity of opinion, and not trying to convert others by forceful paralysing expression.
In a climate where many people feel constrained and afraid to express themselves, willing to believe anything they're told and never question the external narrative, contentious disputes are likely to lead to horrible dissent, discord and even war.
We should engage with social causes to support a reform of rebuilding society. On our terms with politicians, as our public servants.
These people should not be receiving any entitlements for their positions. They are there to humbly serve their people, yet this is not what capitalism has yielded for us.
Fight for your personal freedoms Humans! It’s our human right.
We keep in touch xx
/self . kare / noun
The active process of making your body and mind a pleasant place to inhabit, by filling your own cup first. This ensures you have enough to give others.