"I choose healing over holding on to past hurts.”
“I nurture the child within me who once felt unheard.”
“While I can't change the past, I can shift a new reality where my well-being takes priority.
Hello Dear Readers, Friends, People in my network and social media Strangers,
As the moon wanes towards the new, we find ourselves caught in the liminal space between eclipses—a time when the veil thins, and the shadows of our deepest selves begin to stir.
The stars, once steady and dependable, are twisting and turning, forcing us to face who we really are. It’s like the cosmos is daring us to confront those parts of ourselves we’ve been avoiding, leaving us no choice but to look in the mirror, even if what we see is a bit unsettling.
Right now, we’re all craving validation, wanting someone to tell us we’re still whole and okay. But under these eclipses, that comfort feels so close, yet still just out of reach. We keep asking: Why does this path feel so lonely? Can’t someone just walk through it with us?
On that note, next week I’m meeting with my astro client and friend, Carrie, a Pisces! We met back when I lived in Denver, and even after I moved away, our paths kept crossing. We saw each other during the pandemic in The Hague—Carrie was one of the few Americans living her best life with limited travel at the time. And now, we’re catching up again in Florence, Italy, where I promised her a full astrology report to look over some natal chart characteristics specific for where she is on her current path.
I look forward to borrowing Carrie’s time as click bait for a testimony review article. We worked in the modeling industry together, back when we were twenty-something and slightly delusional. Have some great stories over logging ‘performance hours’ in the karaoke bars of metro Denver 😃
Speaking of delusional moments…
With all these late-stage Neptunian vibes floating around, I’m diving into one of my favorite topics: how Pisces energy plays into all the wild geopolitical stuff we’re seeing right now. Buckle up.
This Neptune in Pisces transit has been a breeding ground for conspiracy theories—and not just fringe stuff anymore, it’s mainstream now.
Like we’ve gone from your racist uncle sharing random memes on Facebook to seeing whole-ass strategic playbooks that have pulled people into a mindset shift. It’s like a cult...with matching jumpsuits and everything, all under the guise of some collective “awakening.”
Remember when Trump started pushing the conspiracy about Obama’s birth certificate. Y’all remember that nonsense? I was out here forming my own conspiracies about why Trump cared so much about where Obama was born, and, of course, ended up deep in an Illuminati rabbit hole.
Don’t be hatin’ yall—you know that stuff's real. And now, with the Hollywood sex scandals breaking news headlines, we can clearly see how corruption is linked to an upper elite working hard for control and exploitation.
It feels like the anxiety gives of watching the last twenty minutes of Casino. The domino effect that results in some horribly violent death on average every one minute of the movie’s finale. Now, don’t hold me to that math, but that ending leaves me with a strong urge to smoke a pack of cigarettes and sleep with one eye opened.
Trump’s been one of the biggest players with this whole Neptune in Pisces delusional vibe. He’s the king of conspiracy theories and cult followings, either by exposing them, or building them. Now, not saying Pisces are disillusioned (Trump is a Gemini btw), but the creativity that comes behind the energy that Pisces represents can sometimes lead to some wild narratives, especially when people are trying to escape reality.
Rich old white dudes like Trump are especially good at turning their obsessive trauma bonds into straight-up addictions.
With the recent lunar eclipse on September 17th, and Neptune in the mix with those late Pisces degrees, it’s like the veil is lifting and we’re finally able to see through the BS. The illusions are so ridiculous now that we can’t help but call them out. And honestly, this applies to more than just politics—any area where we’ve been fed a false reality is getting exposed.
But here’s the kicker: Neptune is set to leave Pisces for the first time in 2025, and by 2026, it’s out (well, except for a brief retrograde cameo). This means the people who’ve been riding this wave of deception are in for a rude awakening. Or for anyone who has a life built a lie, reality is about to hit hard.
This eclipse is just the beginning.
The next few weeks can get wild. Look at the chaos Diddy’s drama is stirring up in the entertainment industry. There’s so much distraction ahead, among the already regularly schedule programming.
But make no mistake: the smoke and mirrors of this Neptune-in-Pisces period is about to get washed down stream. The curtain’s lifting, and we’re all about to see things as they really are. Buckle up indeed — it’s gonna be a trip.
Neptune has been transiting through Pisces since 2011. It is set to leave Pisces in 2025 and enter Aries for the first time in March 2025. However, due to a retrograde, Neptune will briefly return to Pisces in October 2025 before finally moving into Aries in January 2026. So, Neptune's long journey in Pisces will fully end by January 2026, which means we’ve got some time to iron out these disillusioned franchises and set reality anew.
Before you go 🎧
Check out the audio clip covering some basics of practicing mindfulness. It is rawly organic, and humbling, but offers my yoga teachings to cover this week’s affirmations. Also noted above in article ⏫
As illusions around us start to unravel, it’s easy to get caught up in the distractions that follow. But now, more than ever, it’s essential to ground ourselves in the present moment.
Intentional living means embracing clarity, staying mindful of our actions, and choosing to rise above the noise.
While Neptune's transit may expose truths and force us to confront uncomfortable realities, it also offers a powerful opportunity to reset. By focusing on what’s real and aligning ourselves with mindful positive intentions, we can navigate this time with purpose and peace.
After all, when we stay present, we’re not just reacting to the world around us—we’re consciously creating the life we want to live.
Namaste xx
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